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IEEE Photonics Society student Branch Chapter IIT Indore Highlights of 2023

Chapter 5

About IEEE Student Branch IIT Indore

An IEEE Student Branch provides opportunities to meet and learn from fellow IEEE Student and Graduate Student Members and engage with professional IEEE members locally. We at IIT Indore have begun with the same motto of enhancing and engaging our activities with professionals from various fields to improvise our abilities in the domain of STEM. We began with 16 members, and the current strength peaked at more than 70+ members and six technical chapters.

The IEEE Photonics Society Student Branch Chapter is led by Prof. Mukesh Kumar, ONRL, Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore. The chapter is a valuable resource for networking and a great way to get involved with Photonics activities in our region. Our goal is to ensure that our chapter has the tools needed to represent us and our region worldwide with people, scientists, scholars, other IEEE members, various educational institutes, and industries in the domain of Photonics.

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The IEEE Photonics Society Student Chapter has been instrumental in organizing an impactful event that caters to a diverse audience, ranging from school students and teachers to members of the IEEE and non-IEEE communities, undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. students, as well as foreign and industry experts. The event is designed to provide a multitude of benefits, primarily focusing on knowledge enhancement through a variety of activities.

Skill Enhancement Activity in Advanced Optics held 6/27/23IEEE Photonics Society Student Chapter Core Team Meeting for the discussion of a roadmap for annual activities.
Student chapter officers meeting for the planning of International Light Day calibration 2023.Lab visit, Expert Lecture 
Meeting and discussion on High School related activities held on 3/3/23The meeting of Officers has been done on 3rd March for the discussion of events in nearby High Schools
Student chapter officers meeting for the planning of International Light Day calibration 2023 held 1/13/23Membership Drive of IEEE and IEEE Photonics Society 
Group meeting for discussion of IEEE Student Chapter Future Events held on 12/20/22Group meeting for discussion of IEEE Student Chapter Future Events. 
Workshop on Advanced Photonics held on 11/30/22Workshop on Advanced Photonics. An Inaugural Event of IEEE MP Photonics Society
International Light Day Celebration held on 5/16/22Introduction to Light and its Applications (For School kids from 9-12 standard). 
Expert Lecture on Programmable Photonics 
IEEE Photonics Society Membership Drive held on 5/12/22Membership Drive of IEEE and IEEE photonics society 
Workshop on Advanced Device Simulations held on 4/26/22Workshop on Advanced Device Simulations organized by IEEE-Photonics Society chapters discusses the two main themes as follows. 
Tech Next Lab (TNL) is an Atomistic TCAD Software provider, founded in 2015 by EDA industry experts. TNL is involved in the research, innovation & development for rapid advancement and optimization of current and future semiconductor devices and its applications. The significance of using full flow of TNL TCAD suit especially for advanced node and power device technologies in comparison with real-time device fabrication can reduce technology development time and its associated costs. 
One-Day Workshop on Integrated Photonics (WIP) held 3/4/22With the ever-increasing demand for reducing the size, weight, and power consumption, the research community is rapidly shifting its focus toward Integrated Photonics. Integrated Photonics (IP) uses light as a carrier which enjoys various advantages as compared to its electronic counterpart. It finds applications in a wide variety of areas including telecommunications such as 5G networks, biosensors for speeding up medical diagnosis, and in automotive where it is used in LIDAR. IP comprises the integration of multiple photonic functions on a Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) fabricated using automated wafer-scale generic integration technology over silicon, silica, or Indium Phosphide (InP) substrates. The motive of this workshop is to enlighten you about integrated photonics and its applications in different areas. The workshop also demonstrates the tools used in designing Photonic Integrated Circuits

One of the key components of the event is the provision of lectures and expert sessions. Renowned professionals in the field of photonics deliver talks that cover a wide range of topics, contributing significantly to the knowledge enhancement of the participants. The inclusion of hands-on activities and lab visits further augments the learning experience, allowing attendees to gain practical insights into the intricate world of opto-electronic device fabrication and characterization.

The celebration of Light Day for school students and the IIT Indore community serves as a unique opportunity to foster a better understanding of light and its applications. This initiative not only educates participants but also instills a sense of curiosity and appreciation for the role of light in various technological advancements. The impact is not limited to academic circles; it resonates with the broader community, raising awareness and fostering interest in the field of photonics.


An integral part of the event is the specialized training program for school teachers. This initiative spans over two days and provides teachers with valuable exposure to laboratory practices. The focus is on enhancing their skills, particularly in the fabrication capabilities of on-chip opto-electronic devices. The program is designed to be immersive and hands-on, ensuring that teachers not only acquire theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience that they can impart to their students. The significance of this training program is underscored by the fact that it acts as a boon to the career development of participating teachers.

The IEEE Photonics Society Student Chapter at IIT Indore has also played a pivotal role in contributing to the academic growth of Ph.D. students. Two Ph.D. students have undergone specialized training under the chapter’s umbrella, further highlighting the commitment to nurturing talent and facilitating advanced research in the field of photonics. This hands-on training equips Ph.D. students with the skills and knowledge necessary for cutting-edge research and innovation.

The financial support provided by IEEE for these endeavors is acknowledged and put to optimal use for the betterment of society. The funds are channeled into organizing events, securing expert speakers, facilitating lab visits, and ensuring the overall success of the initiatives undertaken by the chapter. The responsible utilization of resources reflects the commitment of the IEEE Photonics Society Student Chapter at IIT Indore to its mission of advancing knowledge and contributing to societal development.

The collective impact of these events extends beyond the technical community, reaching out to the non-technical community and inspiring young minds. By creating awareness about the future of photonics, the chapter is actively shaping the trajectory of the field and, in turn, contributing to a more comfortable and technologically advanced life for individuals within and beyond the academic realm. The far-reaching effects of these initiatives underscore the significance of the IEEE Photonics Society Student Chapter at IIT Indore in fostering a community that is well-versed in and excited about the potential of photonics in the modern world.

To learn more about our chapter and events please visit us here:

Events – IEEE Student Branch – IIT Indore

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