
Fellow Member Elevation

IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members who have achieved extraordinary accomplishments in an IEEE field of interest(s) and are deemed fitting of the prestigious grade elevation.

In order to become a fellow, one must be nominated for IEEE Fellow Grade and fall under one of the four nomination categories: Application Engineer/Practitioner; Educator; Research Engineer/Scientist; Technical Leader. At the time a nomination, the nominee must also:

  • have accomplishments that have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society;
  • hold IEEE Senior Member or IEEE Life Senior Member grade;
  • have been a member in good standing in any grade for a period of five years or more preceding 1 January of the year of elevation.

How to Nominate a Peer:

In order to become a fellow, a member must be nominated by a peer or collegue. Both members and non-IEEE members are eligible to serve as nominators, except for the following exclusions: members of the IEEE Board of Directors, members of the IEEE Fellow Committee, IEEE Society/Technical Council Fellow Evaluating Committee Chairs, members of IEEE Society/Technical Council Fellow Evaluating Committee reviewing the nomination, and/or IEEE Staff. 

Responsibilities of a nominator:

  • The nominator is responsible for preparing the IEEE Fellow Grade Nomination Form.
  • The nominator is responsible for soliciting at least five, but no more than eight, references capable of assessing the nominee’s contributions.
  • Nominators have the option of soliciting no more than three endorsements capable of supporting the nomination.
  • The nominator is responsible for identifying an IEEE Society/Technical Council whose evaluating committee will assess the nominee’s technical qualifications and contributions.
Click here to review the IEEE Fellow nomination process. The deadline for nominations each year is February 7th.
Click here to access the official IEEE Fellow Grade Nomination Form.

Nominator Resources

Nominators are encouraged to read the below resource guides and documents carefully. It is essential that the nominator understands the step-by-step Fellow process and requirements needed, in order to submit a successful application.