In order to become a fellow, one must be nominated for IEEE Fellow Grade and fall under one of the four nomination categories: Application Engineer/Practitioner; Educator; Research Engineer/Scientist; Technical Leader. At the time a nomination, the nominee must also:
In order to become a fellow, a member must be nominated by a peer or collegue. Both members and non-IEEE members are eligible to serve as nominators, except for the following exclusions: members of the IEEE Board of Directors, members of the IEEE Fellow Committee, IEEE Society/Technical Council Fellow Evaluating Committee Chairs, members of IEEE Society/Technical Council Fellow Evaluating Committee reviewing the nomination, and/or IEEE Staff.
Responsibilities of a nominator:
Nominators are encouraged to read the below resource guides and documents carefully. It is essential that the nominator understands the step-by-step Fellow process and requirements needed, in order to submit a successful application.
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