
IEEE Young Professionals

Graduate students, post-doctoral candidates, and young professionals—the IEEE Photonics Society Young Professionals Initiative is an affinity group committed to helping you pursue a career in Photonics. We are here to help you: (1) evaluate your career goals, (2) refine your skills, and (3) grow a professional network.

IEEE Young Professionals Announcements

dragonfly logo box

Partner Spotlight:

Dragonfly Mental Health Collaboration

Dragonfly Mental Health is a global nonprofit organization that conducts independent research on mental health initiatives as well as the cultural stigma and institutional barriers associated. Its leaders provide mental health and wellness guidance, coaching and best practices to institutions worldwide.


Partner Spotlight:

Global Solutions: Young Global Changers

The Young Global Changers is a community of students, emerging scholars, early-career professionals, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit leaders from across the globe. They are dedicated to creating and implementing ideas that foster positive change by aligning the economy with social well-being and environmental sustainability at global, regional, or local levels.

More About the Young Professionals Initiative

Our mission is to provide professional development opportunities for Young Professionals and create the building blocks for lifelong and diverse professional networks. While school ties end at graduation, your support from IEEE Photonics lasts through your entire career.

  • Provide needed career and networking support for soon to be graduated students and professionals < 15 years post first degree.
  • Enable better networking and engagement between senior and younger members.
  • Provide access to online content and webinars to develop technical and professionals goals.
  • Create mentoring opportunities and support for those transitioning from student-to-early career. 
  • Networking and Mentorship
  • Regional Events and Chapter Activities
  • Access to Educational Resources and Trainings
  • Grants and Fellowships
  • Volunteer Opportunities and Leadership Roles

IEEE Young Professionals Sessions

Check out our professional development and mentorship sessions for early career on a variety of technical and professional topics.

Attend YP Events

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet in-person and network virtually with other young professionals and mentors in the Photonics field. Check out our Community Calendar.

Boost Your Career

As an IEEE Young Professional, you have access to a broad array of career resources, global benefits, and a worldwide network of connections.

Volunteer / Mentor

To join a YP Affinity Group, organize local activities, or volunteer, reach out to our IEEE Young Professionals Advisory Committee for more info!