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Our sponsorship levels vary from full financial sponsorship/ownership to being a technical co-sponsor providing technical guidance to the program committee and publishing the event’s proceedings on IEEE Xplore®. See below for more information on sponsorship levels.
Sole Financial Sponsorship indicates full and sole Society involvement in a conference. The Society accepts complete responsibility for the technical, financial, publicity and administrative aspects of the conference. Financial Co-Sponsorship indicates a shared involvement among several organizations, including the IEEE Photonics Society.
To learn more about obtaining Photonics Society financial sponsorship, contact Alicia Ortore, Conference Strategies and Services Senior Manager. Please be sure to include:
Technical Co-Sponsorship indicates a shared involvement in the technical, publicity and administrative areas of the conference, though the Society has no financial involvement with the event. In addition, the conference agrees to publish its proceedings with IEEE and a member of the Photonics Society must assume an active role in the development of the technical program.
To request technical co-sponsorship, you must complete the IEEE Conference Application. To learn more and to apply for technical co-sponsorship, please refer to the following links:
NOTE: Because the IEEE is a non-profit organization that is subject to US tax regulation, no for-profit entity can be listed as a Technical Co-Sponsor, Co-Sponsor, or Sponsor of a Society sponsored conference. “For Profit” organizations can, however, provide donations, (i.e. contributions in the form of personnel, materials, or funds) as indicated in IEEE Policy and Procedures 10.1.2.
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