IEEE Photonics Society Fund
In partnership with the IEEE Foundation—the philanthropic arm of IEEE—the IEEE Photonics Society Fund supports programs designed to enhance tech access, STEM literacy, and education, as well as equity and inclusion within the IEEE professional community.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank our donors! The work that we accomplish through the IEEE Photonics Society Fund is made possible by generous donations.
Our Three Major Areas of Focus

Drives Humanitarian Initiatives

Enhances STEM Education

Champions Diversity
& Inclusion

The Humanitarian and Public Imperative Committee oversees the direction of the IEEE Photonics Society Fund.

Photonics technologies power smartphones, provide healthcare advancements, renewable energy solutions, and communications at the speed of light. The IEEE Photonics Fund supports such key enabling technology for a brighter future.
When You Give to IEEE Photonics Society Fund, Your Contributions Support Innovation of Tomorrow.
The IEEE Photonics Society Fund’s objective is to drive mission-related activities:
The Society’s International Day of Light Activities
Annual Travel Grants, Scholarships, and Educational Seed Funding
IEEE SIGHT Funding Calls for Chapters and Affinity Groups
Support for Marginalized Members and Underserved Communities
IEEE Humanitarian Activities in
Developing Nations
Public Imperative Initiatives and Global Consortia Partnerships
Help us light a better future through the power of photonics technology, education, and community engagement.
Please consider a gift to IEEE Photonics Society Fund.
About IEEE Foundation
The IEEE Foundation is qualified under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Charitable contributions to the IEEE Foundation are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law in the United States. For other countries, please check with your local tax advisors. For more information, please visit: