
Affinity Groups

IEEE Affinity Groups are non-technical subunits of the parent-IEEE. The types of Affinity Groups that IEEE Photonics Society Members can join are:

Consultants Network

IEEE-USA supports the IEEE Consultants Network with quarterly newsletters and access to an annual consultants’ webinar series. Network members can also take advantage of educational opportunities, specialized benefits for self-employed professionals, and a Consultant Finder.

Life Members

IEEE Life Membership is an official recognition of a strong and sustained commitment to the IEEE. Life members get together with their peers, participate in educational excursions, work together to mentor students, and improve their communities.

Women in Engineering

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) provides members with the opportunity to network at a local level through IEEE WIE Affinity Groups. Opportunities include coordinating events, mentoring, or serving as an officer. Currently, there are over 1100 WIE Affinity Groups worldwide.

Young Professionals

Boost your career by joining a group of IEEE members and volunteers who are in the early stages of their professional careers. Affinity groups plan events from lectures to interactive workshops and networking events all over the world.