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From ubiquitous and inexpensive global communications via fiber optics, to lasers for medical and other applications, to flat-screen displays, to photovoltaic devices for solar energy, to LEDs for energy-efficient illumination, there are myriad examples of the society’s impact on the world around us.
We organize, contribute to and participate in technical conferences, journals and other activities covering all aspects of photonics in order to share and disseminate our breakthroughs. We engage in photonics research, development, design and manufacturing, and are vital part of IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional association dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
We provide our members with professional growth opportunities, publish journals, sponsor conferences and support local chapter and student activities around the world.
The IEEE Photonics Society Constitution provides the fundamental and entrenched rules governing the conduct of the Society and establishes our concept, character, and structure.
These Bylaws provide detailed guidance for the supervision and management of the affairs of the IEEE Photonics Society in accordance with Article IX, Section 2 of the Society Constitution.
The cornerstone of the IEEE Photonics Society is the partnership between staff and volunteers with the common goal of promoting the exchange of technical information, where scientific and engineering advances in photonics are shared and nurtured.
Our mission is to advance technology for the benefit of humanity. With a history that dates back to the 1960’s, our members have achieved much. We are grateful to those who have contributed to our society over the years and laid the foundation for future generations.
The History of IEEE Photonics Society
A summary of our historic moments, dating back to 1965.
IEEE Photonics Society Presidents
Discover the leaders—a complete list of our presidents.
A bright future includes everyone. It's diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
We are here to support the innovators of tomorrow. Please consider a gift!
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