
Your Local Community of Photonics Professionals

Our chapters are a valuable resource for networking and a great way to get involved with Photonics activities in your region. Our goal is to ensure that our chapters have the tools they need to represent us around the world, engaging members and industry alike. Together, we are improving lives through localized, grassroots technical dissemination and academic exchange.

Chapter Locations

We are represented worldwide, with chapters in IEEE Regions, Sections, and Zones.

chapter members
a group of chapter members
smiling people holding an award

Resources for Chapters

Access IEEE volunteer tools (vTools)!

Developed by IEEE volunteers, our web-based software will help you manage events and other activities at your chapter. From events and correspondence to voting tools and chapter websites, vTools will provide structure to your organizational efforts and save you time. 

Chapter Awards

For achievements and educational activities conducted by our Chapters around the world. Each year the IEEE Photonics Society honors selected chapters, in good standing, with the awards listed below. To see the current and past winners, you can visit the page for each award.

IPS Guangdong Chapter 2022 winners

Spotlight on: Guangzhou Section, Guangdong Chapter (China)

Honored for expansive and inventive programs organized at the grassroots and macro-scale, benefiting technical dissemination, student leadership growth, membership elevations and career advancement for rising graduates.

The Guangdong Chapter organized and held over 56 inventive programs and initiatives this past year, at both a grassroots and macro-scale, including. the Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC), Global Student Achievement Awards, IEEE STEP & Senior Member Elevation Drives, Membership Discount Promotions at Conferences, and Technical Seminars (virtual & in-person). One of the Guangdong Chapter’s groundbreaking approaches is its Industry Visit & Exchange program, where multiple industry visits were organized to assist students in finding internships, research grants, job opportunities, incubator projects, and mentor connections.

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Become a Center for Leadership Excellence and help other chapters grow!

Distinguished Lecturer Program

Enhance you next Chapter event or meeting by inviting a Distinguished Lecturer to present in-person or virtually.


Visit IEEE MGA vTools to report your events and expand your knowledge to succeed in your Chapter leadership role. 

Need assistance?

We’re here to help. Email us to connect with or start a local chapter. Staff can guide you on how to submit a Chapter petition.