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STEM Outreach Resources

To inspire young minds to cultivate interests in light-based sciences, the IEEE Photonics Society dedicates resources and organizes various educational events towards STEM Outreach each year.

Volunteers are encouraged to coordinate activities worldwide to show pre-university students and educators how photonics impacts the daily lives of all around the world. Light is a fascinating and familiar topic for young kids and a goal of the IEEE Photonics Society is to demonstrate how a photonics and optics career can be made part of their future.

IEEE TryEngineering:

IEEE TryEngineering Inspires the Engineers of Tomorrow.  This STEM Portal aims to empower educators to foster the next generation of technology innovators. TryEngineering provides educators, teachers, parents, and students with resources, lesson plans, and activities that engage and inspire.

Download the IEEE TryEngineering Infographic: Ignite Interest in STEM

How to Get Involved:

The IEEE Photonics Society is encouraging its volunteers, chapters, educators, community partners, and affiliate universities or companies to participate by holding small events, hands-on activities or classroom presentations in their local communities. 

Activity examples: bring a child to work for the day; organize an event with an after-school program; and volunteer to give a presentation in an inclusive pre-university school classroom, i.e. elementary, middle school and high-school. 

To volunteer with the IEEE Photonics Society, please email:

Volunteers can also share their STEM programs through the IEEE TryEngineering STEM Portal. By sharing your pre-university STEM programs we can enable IEEE volunteers around the world to learn from your program successes.

Other STEM Outreach Resources

Angeles Camacho

Angeles Camacho Rosales

AVP of STEM Outreach

University of Southampton