
Pride in Photonics

The IEEE Photonics Society’s Diversity Oversight Committee in 2018 launched an inclusive ‘Pride in Photonics’ initiative, in conjunction with Optica, inaugural at CLEO. The founding organizers, Dr. Arti Agrawal and Dr. Niamh Kavanagh, devised this initiative in order to showcase and celebrate the scientific and social impact contributions of LGBTQIA+ people in STEM, especially in the fields of photonics, optics, physics and engineering. 

LGBTQIA+ = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, + sexual and/or gender minority identities.

Why is Pride in Photonics Needed?

  • An understanding of identity and its impact on individuals and institutions can improve equity in education and the workplace;
  • A significant fraction of LGBTQIA+ physicists have experienced or observe exclusionary behavior in STEM;
  • LGBTQIA+ people in STEM often experience difficulty identifying allies and mentors to help mitigate isolation, exclusion, or marginalization.

Pride in Photonics seeks to celebrate the work of LGBTQIA+ people in STEM, create a space to openly share personal experiences, and increase acceptance of inclusion best-practices. The initiative’s in-person and virtual events create a welcoming atmosphere for LGBTQIA+ people to be their authentic selves, in the company of allies, with the aim of inspiring collaboration, open conversation, education, networking and technical dissemination.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct has been devised and outlines our expectations for all those who participate and/or view our Pride in Photonics initiative content. It is designed to create safe and positive experiences for everyone and encourage productive collaboration; not to intimidate participants from interacting with each other.

Additional IEEE Pride in Photonics Videos

LGBTQIA+ in STEM Resources