
IEEE Photonics Society Journals Club

Support Next-Gen Authors and Researchers

The IEEE Photonics Society ‘Journals Club’ program helps connect students and early career professionals with researchers and authors of published research papers. Student participants read important scientific papers selected by an IEEE Journal’s Editor-in-Chief, then attend a session with the papers’ Authors.

The Authors first present their research, then participants can ask direct questions about the work, methods behind the research, and the peer review process. These sessions cultivate lively discussions and help our members keep up with current findings, as well provide insight into what to do—and what not to do—in their own work.

Journal Club

How It Works

Each session, supported by a journal within the Society’s portfolio, is centered around a theme or technical topic. All active IEEE Photonics Society student members will receive an invitation to attend by email that includes the papers to read prior to the Journals Club session. Reading the papers in advance is strongly encouraged to ensure that participants have the background information needed to participate in an active and satisfying discussion, and to become better acquainted with the journal itself. Our Journals Club aims to create a community where members feel safe enough to share their thoughts and ask direct questions about the research topics presented.

Thoughts on the technical publishing landscape, pointers for members publishing for the first time, and the ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’ for getting a research paper accepted by a high impact scholarly journal are often shared. This type of information will help students and early career gain the confidence to submit their work, as well as better understand the benefits of publishing with the IEEE.

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If you’d like to participate in an upcoming IEEE Photonics Journals Club session, click here to sign up for the program’s email list.

Past Session Recordings