
Fellows Evaluation Committee

IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.

The goal of the Photonics Society Fellows evaluation Committee is to provide a critical evaluation and assessment of Nominees referred to the Photonics Society by the Nominator.  The committee performs an essential role in the Fellow Evaluation process and IEEE Judges rely highly on their evaluations for an objective and technically informed assessment of the Nominee’s credentials.

This evaluation shall be performed by preparing an Evaluation Form for each referred Nominee and submitting it to the IEEE Fellow Evaluating Committee.

Neal Bergano

FEC Chair

Magnus Karlsson

FEC Vice Chair

Masatoshi Suzuki

FEC Vice-Chair

Jin-Xing Cai

FEC Evaluator

Nim Cheung

FEC Evaluator

Gary Evans

FEC Evaluator

Byoung Kim

FEC Evaluator

Christina Lim

FEC Evaluator

Robert Minasian

FEC Evaluator

Richard Mirin

FEC Evaluator

Deepak Uttamchandani

FEC Evaluator

Nan Jokerst

FEC Evaluator

Tetsuya Kawanishi

FEC Evaluator

Daniel Kuchta

FEC Evaluator

Di Liang

FEC Evaluator

Itsuro Morita

FEC Evaluator

Haisheng Rong

FEC Evaluator