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Nominations for the ICO 2023 Prize


Now Accepting Nominations for the ICO 2023 Prize

Nomination Deadline: 15 June 2023

Rules applicable to the ICO Prize:
ICO established in 1982 the ICO Prize, to be given each year to an individual who has made a noteworthy contribution to optics, published and submitted for publication before he or she has reached the age of 40.

(Specifically, the Prize winner must not have reached the age of 40 before December 31 of the year for which the Prize is awarded). The character of the work of successive Prize recipients should preferably alternate between predominantly experimental or technological and predominantly theoretical.

The prize includes:

  • A citation
  • A cash amount of US$2.000
    US$1.000 for travel expenses
  • An invitation to give a talk at a major ICO-sponsored event

Do you know talented researchers?

If you know of any or have talented researchers that are eligible to such a prize, then please submit a nomination letter to:

Leszek Sirko
ICO Prize, ICO Prize Committee Chair,
Institute of Physics. Polish Academy of Sciences. Al. Lotników 32/46. PL-02-668 Warsaw, Poland

Nomination Submission Deadline: 15 June 2023
Documents To Be Sent:

  • Signed letters including each nominator’s current affiliation and business address, describing the achievements for which the candidate is nominated for this award
  • A separate pdf file with a full CV of the nominee indicating the date of birth