The IEEE Photonics Journal provides rapid publishing of top-quality peer-reviewed papers at the forefront of photonics research. It’s monthly Top Articles represent recently published, stand-out articles, as determined by Editorial Board Members.
Effective as of January 1, 2022, the IEEE Photonics Journal, an Open Access, Plan S compliant IEEE publication, moved to a new fee structure with unlimited pages and discounts for IEEE Society Members.
Recent Editorial Board Top Articles
High-Power Dual-Wavelength Laser Based on Coaxial End-Pumping Scheme With Combination of Gain Media
Yang Liu; Kai Zhong;
Ze Zhang; Xianzhong Zhang
Full-color Quantum Dot Light-emitting Diodes Based on Microcavities
Guanding Mei; Weigao Wang; Dan Wu; Philip Anthony Surman; Kai Wang; Wallace Choy; Xiaochuan Yang; Wenwei Xu; Xiao wei Sun
Fabrication of Integrated Lensless Cameras via UV-Imprint Lithography
Yujin Lee; Hyesuk Chae; Kyung Chul Lee; Nakkyu Baek; Taeyoung Kim;
Jaewoo Jung; Seung Ah Lee
Fabrication of Integrated Lensless Cameras via UV-Imprint Lithography
Yujin Lee; Hyesuk Chae; Kyung Chul Lee; Nakkyu Baek; Taeyoung Kim;
Jaewoo Jung; Seung Ah Lee