Don’t Put Limits on Yourself

Min Cen

In this series partnered with WaveJobs, we invite people at different career stages to share their experience in Photonics and lessons learned in professional development. Today we interviewed Min Cen, […]

Together People Can Do More Much Than Individually

Uliana Pylypenko 1

In this series partnered with WaveJobs we invite people at different career stages to share about their experience in Photonics and lessons-learned in professional development. Today  we interview early career […]

Don’t Be Afraid to Learn

wavejobs llosera

Today we interview Dr. Gemma Vall Llosera, Head of Automation & AI Innovation from Ericsson Sweden, an experienced technology broker spanning application areas of optics and photonics, quantum computing, artificial […]

Follow Your Passion

professor rachel oliver

In this series partnered with WaveJobs, we invite people at different career stages to share about their experience in Photonics and lessons learned in professional development. Today we interview Prof. […]