The IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series serves as an international forum to facilitate information exchange between various technical communities using or affected by rapidly growing areas of technology or “Hot Topics” related to the general field of Photonics. This intimate environment provides the opportunity to learn about emerging fields and to interact with research and technology leaders. Historically, the conference hosts 4-7 individual topics and attracts 200+ participants with 30-50 participants attending each topic. This intimate environment of a small conference provides the opportunity to learn about emerging fields and to interact with the research and technology leaders.
To be considered, potential topic chairs should submit a proposal that includes the elements as noted below.
Please include the name, affiliation, country, email address, and a brief biography for each co-chair.
Background, actuality, attendance, justification, i.e. Is the topic widely discussed by different research and industrial groups around the world? What type of audience is targeted?
Motivation & Scope:
Include the goals and topics to be covered. Each topical should target a minimum of 30-40 presentations and should encompass both invited and contributed papers (typically 25 invited speakers and 15 contributed speakers).
Mentorship, Networking, & Outreach:
Include your ideas for ancillary events that may provide mentorship to students, local excursions, networking amongst the attendees, lab automation hackathons, and outreach to local chapters.
Additional information about past topics at Summer Topicals can be found on the conference website. For questions about the submission process please contact Georg Rademacher, General Chair,
Submit Topic Proposals by 30 October.