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IEEE Volunteering On My Terms

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Volunteering for small things, with a big impact. Volunteering offers flexibility to volunteer within IEEE. Through this platform, IEEE members will be able to advertise and search for volunteering opportunities, be it short- or long-term, local or remote, or requiring different skills.

What is IEEE Volunteering?

IEEE members’ free time is limited. Some of the participants might want to be active IEEE volunteers but with the shift to working and managing their careers, they find it challenging to volunteer, continuously or on a regular basis. The IEEE Volunteering platform helps address such needs by introducing a degree of flexibility to volunteer within IEEE. The platform allows members to advertise and search for volunteering opportunities, based on short- or long-term availability, local or remote preferences, or their unique skills as an individual.

IEEE is built on the strength of its members and their volunteer efforts throughout the organization. Most IEEE programs require member involvement to facilitate the planning and execution of projects, events, etc. Volunteering not only benefits IEEE as an organization but is also one of the key benefits available to members.

As an IEEE volunteer, you will play a key role in the future of the organization. From technical and student activities to student outreach, membership development, and history, you can impact your area of expertise.

Become an IEEE volunteer today so you can:

  • Take pride in participating in activities that interest you
  • Expand your technical knowledge
  • Gain valuable management and leadership skills
  • Connect with others in your career field
  • Give back to your profession
  • Planning meetings and activities
  • Mentoring students
  • Evaluating award candidates
  • Chairing a committee
  • Editing newsletters
  • Creating/maintaining a website

Start IEEE Volunteering

Explore various opportunities to match your skills, or apply for an opportunity that will help you gain new volunteering experiences.

Create your online profile here.

Get started with IEEE volunteering

Each local entity offers their own unique opportunities, so it is best to:

  • Contact local volunteers for opportunities through the Member Directory in IEEE Collabratec®.
  • Can’t find something you are interested in? Volunteer to start a program/project.

Explore some of the volunteering opportunities available today:

IEEE Societies also offer numerous opportunities for members to get involved in a specific technology on a global or local level. View the individual IEEE Society websites to explore their offerings.

Active IEEE volunteer resources

If you are already an active volunteer, please visit your volunteer resources page (sign in with your IEEE Account):  

Need to Find a Volunteer?

Recruit volunteers by visiting the member search. You will be able to find a match with the expertise/skill sets you are seeking.