Get to Know Staff: Kerrianne Sullivan, Digital Community and Presence Manager

Kerrianne 3

What is your current role and area of oversight on staff?

I serve as the Digital Community and Presence Manager. I manage and maintain the Society and conference websites, email communications, and support all branding efforts. Collaborating closely with the Marketing Manager, internal teams, and external vendors, I help strengthen the Society’s presence across multiple platforms, including brand marketing, web development, virtual and mobile environments, and social media design elements. My work ensures a cohesive, engaging, and impactful digital experience that aligns with the Society’s goals and enhances our overall visibility.

What is your background and how long have you been with the IEEE?

I worked for technical institutions for the majority of my career. My first job out of college was working in the marketing department at Telcordia Technologies in Piscataway NJ. From there I had the opportunity to work in NYC for the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) as a graphic designer in the marketing department working on all websites, digital and print creatives for their conference portfolio and society initiatives. During my last few years with IEEE ComSoc I also took on a new role to support the Membership efforts for the Society to retain and gain new members. I traveled to many conferences around the world to meet, celebrate and gain knowledge of the needs of the members and volunteers.

Fun Times at ComSoc
Lots of fun was had early in my IEEE career with ComSoc in NYC.

What inspired you to join the IEEE, and IEEE Photonics Society team?

In college I worked an entire summer for the The Gordon Research Conferences hosted on our campus that provided an international forum for the presentation and discussion of frontier research in the biological, chemical, physical and engineering sciences as well as their interfaces. It was my first interaction with engineers and scientists convening together to learn and share knowledge that would benefit humanity. It was truly inspiring and I believe that experience guided me to work for IEEE and its volunteers with the purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

While working at Comsoc, I had the pleasure to get to know the IEEE Photonics Society staff and volunteers through our co-sponsored event Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC). While experiencing their community model and the excitement at their events afforded me the opportunity to meet many photonics volunteers. When the opportunity arose to move to the IEEE Photonics Society, I was very excited to transition in my career and be a part of the Photonics staff as a digital creator.

Joining the Photonics Team
Contributing to the Society’s STEM outreach initiatives and membership projects at conferences, fostering engagement and collaboration within the community.

What do you enjoy most about your work and/or working with volunteers?

At my core, I’m a creative person who loves designing, learning, and enhancing our Society’s visual and print presence to be both innovative and well-branded. I’m passionate about discovering new solutions and improving processes to elevate the quality of our products and services. Collaborating with our volunteers to strengthen our marketplace presence is something I truly enjoy.

From your area of oversight, what is a challenge that our community is facing?

Effective communication and community-building are essential to overcoming the many challenges we face as an organization. Whether it’s through education, networking, or fostering a sense of belonging within the photonics community, communication plays a critical role. It’s about creating spaces where individuals can connect, share experiences, and learn from one another, no matter their location worldwide. With our community’s global reach and diversity, it’s crucial that we continuously work to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate and engage, no matter where they are in the world.

Can you describe a recent project or initiative you worked on that you’re particularly proud of?

Our redesigned IEEE Photonics Society website was a major project that required the collective effort of our dedicated staff and volunteer leadership. The process involved not only reorganizing content but also realigning our community’s purpose and rebranding the site to enhance its visibility and impact. Seeing the final result— a fresh, modern design that better serves our community— was incredibly rewarding. It’s exciting to have a website that truly reflects our mission and makes it easier for our members to connect and engage with us.

Celebrating IEEE service anniversaries with my Photonics team.

How do you collaborate with other departments or teams within the parent-IEEE to achieve the Society’s goals?

Over the years, I’ve learned that the key to understanding how things work at IEEE is to ask questions and actively connect with staff who share similar roles and responsibilities. There’s so much to learn from one another, and those conversations are invaluable. I’ve also had the chance to offer guidance along the way, and it’s truly rewarding to know that I can count on both colleagues and volunteers for support when needed. Building these relationships has been key to my personal and professional growth, and it creates a strong sense of community within our organization.

Tell us about your favorite IEEE memory and/or describe an IEEE experience that has had a lasting impact on you.

There are so many! I really enjoy the opportunity and experiences meeting students and volunteers at our conferences and events. After working so closely with volunteers throughout the years through email and online meetings, having the chance to see our community in person is special. The diversity within IEEE is very eye-opening and inspiring. Meeting our members from various regions around the world and hearing about their engineering journeys—from students to senior members—is a truly humbling experience. It’s inspiring to learn about their growth and accomplishments along the way.

IPC conference
It’s a privilege to work alongside our esteemed volunteer leadership and dedicated staff.

Tell us about a mentor or colleague who has had a significant influence on your career.
Having worked at IEEE for over 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with many incredible colleagues. I’m deeply grateful for the guidance and career advice I’ve received from all of my managers. The support and kindness from my colleagues from both ComSoc and Photonics have meant a lot to me. I’m fortunate to have built lasting friendships that I cherish, both past and present.

Tell us something fun about yourself !!!! (Hobby, secret talent, what you do for fun, etc.)

I like to cook and bake. My chocolate chip cookies are highly rated in my family. Whenever I ask what I can bring to their gatherings, the answer is always “you cannot enter without your chocolate chip cookies.” I have shared the recipe with them and they can never replicate them. They believe I leave out an ingredient but I swear I do not…really I swear!

I also love sports of all kinds, especially golf. On one special day back in 2007, I aced the second hole at my home course. I was so excited, I still do not know how I finished my round. My playing partners told me just to make contact on my drive on the next hole. Playing golf has taught me etiquette, respect and patience, or perhaps it is frustration. I have had the opportunity to play some great courses in New Jersey and Florida. However, my favorite was playing in Ireland at one of the top three ranked courses in the world, Royal County Down Golf Club. What made that experience even more special to me is that the course was located along the coast in the foothills of the Mountains of Mourne where my grandfather grew up. It was so special when we reached the 16th hole and the cloud cover finally broke so we could finally see the mountains. I felt like he was looking down on me.

Ireland golf course
My favorite golf outing was in Ireland at one of the top three ranked courses in the world, Royal County Down Golf Club.