IEEE Photonics Journal Special Issue – Call for Papers

abstract paiting

Society Call for Papers: Progress in Photonic Spin-Orbit Interaction 

Submission Deadline: August 1, 2022

The IEEE Photonics Journal will publish a Feature Section dedicated to “Progress in Photonic Spin-Orbit Interaction (SOI)”. Photonic SOI is the fundamental property of light which has manifested itself in intriguing phenomena including photonic spin Hall effect, orbit Hall effect, and coupling between the spin and the orbit characteristics of light, among others.

As the techniques of light field manipulations evolved and became increasingly sophisticated, various intriguing higher-order modes of optical fields such as vortex and vector fields have been generated in space and time domains.

At the same time, many aspects of SOI remain unexplored. One may mention, among the others, the topics of structured light interacting with structured material, photonic SOI in nonlinear media, and others.